50 Skies: 50 Scars - Interview with Nicola Anthony featured in Trebuchet Magazine - "I wanted to actually capture some of the sky..."

In this interview for Trebuchet Magazine, contemporary British artist Nicola Anthony talks about her work at the Krisis Exhibition 50 scars : 50 skies.

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Debbie Cheung interviews Nicola Anthony: What is Ouroboros and other questions answered....

Debbie Cheung interviews Nicola Anthony

To start off, how did the decision to use ping pong balls in this SEA Games project develop?

Rather than be overly literal in making sport the subject of the artwork, I decided to be a bit abstract and challenge myself to use sports equipment as sculptural material, and think about the deeper message of teams and connections within sports as a theme. I knew it would carry a meaningful message because when you get so many voices together, there is a sense of a human team, and something quite magical happens.

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VIDEO: Bottled nostalgia and food-scent memories

Clarissa Sih and Goh Chiew Tong interview Edible Art Movement for the Nanyang Chronicle, at our ‘Cirque du Scent‘: an exhibition sponsored by NTU, Jan-March 2014. Thank you to the kind journalists and film crew at Singapore’s Nanyang Chronicle for capturing the exhibition and talking with me about the concept.

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Nicola Anthony Interviewed by Callaby Magazine

It was a pleasure to meet Callaby Magazine’s editor, Rae Hippolyte in Brick Lane, London when I was back in town recently. She was interested in my recent journey to Singapore, my fascination with communication and my paper aeroplane collection. Check out the article she wrote below...

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Artist relocation: Nicola Anthony interviewed by Chantelle Purcell in DegreeART Magazine

I was delighted to be invited for a chat with DegreeART's charismatic Chantelle Purcell. She has been following my relocation to Singapore and wanted to find out more about the motivation behind it, and any tips I have for other artists and individuals looking to find a dose of a new culture and travel new worlds.

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