VIDEO: Bottled nostalgia and food-scent memories

Clarissa Sih and Goh Chiew Tong interview Edible Art Movement for the Nanyang Chronicle, at our ‘Cirque du Scent‘: an exhibition sponsored by NTU, Jan-March 2014. Thank you to the kind journalists and film crew at Singapore’s Nanyang Chronicle for capturing the exhibition and talking with me about the concept.

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Field Trip: a Tokyo exhibition to help raise awareness and bring hope.

The Field Trip project is a travelling exhibition in Japan and Asia. The project curator Daisuke Takeya re-claimed used elementary school backpacks (Randoseru) donated through the relief efforts, which were due to be disposed of. These objects, to me, are highly charged and symbolic. I was one of the artists challenged to create a Randoseru artwork for the Field Trip exhibition and project, to be showcased next month at Shinjuku Creators Fiesta, (Tokyo, August 22 - September 7 2014) The project is set to travel throughout the disaster areas in Tohoku, some public galleries, and festival setups in Japan.

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