The River Series - the fluid nature of ink, tides and time

This series of artworks are part of the ‘Intersection’ body of works, a collaboration between visual artist Nicola Anthony & poet Marc Nair which explores unspoken histories in Yangon, London, and Singapore. Waterways were a feature of each city that has shaped them geographically, physically and historically.

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Artwork Focus: Call to Prayer | INTERSECTION

The idea of the daily prayer that is comparable to a voluntary routine practiced across different cultures and religions and transcends geographical boundaries, is emphasised through the work’s duality in display – in light and in darkness. Like the journey of the sun from dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn, traditions and practices exist in time and are rarely temporal. 

The journeys across Singapore and Yangon that have inspired the creation of this work almost mimics the migration of the birds and their rotations inside the birdcage. This work is a reminder for us all: just as we are guided home “like flocks of birds”, our culture and traditions keep us grounded and remind us of our humble beginnings that have helped us shape our identity.

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