Nicola Anthony

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The Artist as a migrant: From one Island to another

An artist’s journal about migration

Recently I moved country: I left Singapore, my amazing tropical home of seven years, to settle in the beautiful country of Ireland. Having grown up in the UK, I know I have always been privileged to live and work in such places. My recent move lead me to think a lot about the sense of home and being displaced. I have made myself and my artwork look more deeply at what I feel is my home, and which borders real and psychological I have had to cross.

I feel it is time to share the reason why I make the work I do, to tell you a bit about my personal transcultural background. This is not written on my ‘artist bio’, but it is the thing that leads me to delve into the sometimes sensitive topics which I explore through art.

I am of Anglo Indian descent, and my family migrated to England in the 60s - a very hard time to be foreign in the UK. Having grown up as “neither one thing or the other”, and not really having a real label for myself, I am fascinated with our human connections to and displacements from the places where we are born: Including where we live, where our ancestors come from, and how this relates to the places we migrate to. 

I myself never really felt like a migrant in the past, but I have inherited an understanding of it, it flows through my family. Interestingly, throughout my whole time in Singapore when as a ‘Westerner’ I was called an ‘expat’ (whilst people from India, Philippines, Malaysia, etc in Singapore are called ‘migrants’). I was very uncomfortable with the term expat as it implies to me a bubble of privilege, a lack of understanding of local cultures. Now I have moved to Ireland and found a network of migrant artists, I have warmed to this new label- Migrant. I feel at home, and more comfortable with this term even though it has been given negative connotations. I have found a great deal of welcome amongst the migrant community who understand what it is like to be away from your roots.

Having said all this, I do feel strongly that my personal motivations to make art should not be the subject of my work, just the spark that begins them. Ultimately I aim to make art which tackles universal human challenges. But of course, we have to use ourselves as a leaping-off point.

Over the next few weeks, I will be adding more to this ‘artist journal’ series of blog posts which aims to give a personal insight into the process of an artist moving country, and being from many places at once.

Find out more here about this ‘artist journal’ series of blog posts which aims to give a personal insight into the process of an artist moving country, and being from many places at once.